
3D X-ray and digital diagnostics

Digital diagnostics

Orthodontics and digitalization

It is undeniable that our lives are changing due to the constantly evolving digitalization of every aspect of our lives. Although, there has been little development in dentistry - apart from the introduction of the digital camera and x-ray machines. However, in the field of orthodontics there have been ground-breaking developments for patients. Now it is possible to plan and execute an orthodontic treatment completely digital. Different diagnostics and even the manufacturing of braces, as well as the adhesive wire retainers can be done digitally with the help of an intra-oral scanner at MUNDWERK Die Kieferorthopäden - all without the, mostly uncomfortable, dental mold.

The collected data serves as the grounds for the suggested and necessary treatment method, the planning of the orthodontic treatment and for the financial cost plan for the patient. Naturally, all legal requirements regarding data protection are being upheld.

3D X-rays

Mesantis Westside - Your 3D dental radiology at MUNDWERK Die Kieferorthopäden

Prof. Dr. Axel Bumann and Dr. Michael K. Thomas cooperated with Mesantis Westside and founded the third 3D dental radiology centre in Berlin.

Click here to learn more about it.

You can schedule your appointment for a low-radiation 3D x-rays at Mesantis Westside directly at MUNDWERK Die Kieferorthopäden.

Digital diagnostics

Digital molding

At MUNDWERK Die Kieferorthopäden the digital molding is being done through an intra-oral scanner. This procedure only takes a few minutes and is completely uncomplicated. Our patients experience the scanning as pleasant and the digital presentation of their teeth and jawbone is very detailed. The scanned data is being transferred into a STL-format and saved for further diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. In case a physical model is required, it can be easily printed.

We can practically offer a digital, molding-free orthodontic treatment to every patient, however this is not covered by insurance. The costs of a scan can be negotiated extracontractual before the start of the treatment.

Digital diagnostics

Digital x-rays

Over 20 years now, we have been taking x-rays digitally. When doing so, we guarantee, even though radiation is already very low, that we are completely complying with legal regulations without any exceptions. This is why we only get x-rays done for an orthodontic treatment, if there is a medical indication for doing so.

Digital diagnostics

Digital photography

For our comprehensive diagnostic, process control, and for documentation purposes we are taking digital intra and extra-oral photographs. Based on the different treatment methods it is essential to take photographs in order to prescribe the right treatment device.


It is essential to make an individual consultation appointment

Before treatment, we recommend that all adults and seniors have a personal consultation in our practice. Our tip:

Make an appointment of at least 30 minutes in length so that as many questions as possible can be discussed and finally clarified.


Copyright by MUNDWERK Die Kieferorthopäden 2025