

Office address Berlin-Zehlendorf

MUNDWERK Die Kieferorthopäden
Dr. Michael Thomas + Partner
Clayallee 330
(Zehlendorfer Welle)
14169 Berlin

Phone +49 (0)30 801995-0
Fax +49 (0)30 801995-59

Statutory occupational title

Fachzahnarzt für Kieferorthopädie

Country by which the statutory occupational title was bestowed


Name of professional regulatory document

Zahnärztliche Berufsordnung (Professional order for dentists)

Regulating authority

Kassenzahnärztliche Vereinigung Berlin
Georg-Wilhelm-Straße 16
10711 Berlin

Affiliated professional association

Zahnärztekammer Berlin
Stallstraße 1
10585 Berlin


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie (DGKFO)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Aligner Orthodontie (DGAO)
American Association of Orthodontics (AAO)
World Federation of Orthodontics (WFO)
Kieferorthopädische Gesellschaft von Berlin und Brandenburg (KFOBB)
Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists (EHASO)
Berufsverband der Kieferorthopäden (BDK)

Responsible for Content

MUNDWERK Die Kieferorthopäden
Dr. Michael K. Thomas


Manuel Gutjahr

Concept, design and realisation

PETER PAUL AND MARY Werbeagentur GmbH & Co. KG
Muthesiusstraße 4
12163 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 236237-0
Fax: +49 30 236237-37

Information about out-of-court dispute resolution

regard to an obligation under §§ 36, 37 VSBG, we inform you that according to this law in case of an out-of-court dispute resolution our practice is not bound to participate in such a procedure in front of a consumer advice center.

According to the Berlin Chamber Act (BKG) the Berlin Dental Association has set up an arbitration board for disputes arising from professional activities, which can be called upon by patients in case of doubts about the adequacy of any dental service.


The content of this website are proprietary. Without written consent of MUNDWERK the content of this site can in no form be reproduced, changed, copied or distributed. Links to our site are always acceptable.

No third party is allowed to present this website in frames or iframes without written consent.


This website contains links to other websites (external links). These websites are under the liability of the individual owner. During external linking no statutory violations were apparent. MUNDWERK has no influence on the present and future character of these linked websites. The continuous control of external links provider is unacceptable unless factual infringements are reported. If such report comes to our knowledge the respective external link will be immediately removed.

Liability limitation

This website was created with utmost care. However, the authors of this website cannot guarantee the correctness, completeness, and actuality of all its contents and information. Thus usage of this website is by one’s own risk. We try our best to up-date and better all information and data of this website. If damage is the consequence of gained information from this website no liability will be resumed. We reserve the right to change and add information and data without notice. Usage of the website will lead to no contractual relationship between provider and consumer.

Copyright by MUNDWERK Die Kieferorthopäden 2025